Childbirth education to prepare you for your dream birth!

Commonly asked questions during pregnancy:

What should I put on my birth plan?
What tests and procedures are necessary?
How will I know if I’m really in labor?
When should I go to the hospital?
How can my partner help me during labor and birth?

You have questions - We have the answers!

Birth Boot Camp Childbirth Classes

  • Birth Boot Camp students listening to instructor

    Class Options for Everyone!

    Birth Boot Camp offers several childbirth education classes to prepare you and your partner to give birth YOUR way. Whether you plan to have your baby at a hospital, birthing center, or at home; using medication or without medication, we have the information and resources you need the most.

    We don’t teach a “method” because birth is not “one-size-fits-all”. We fill your “birth toolbox” with information, comfort measures, relaxation techniques, and much more!

    Birth Boot Camp offers the most current evidence-based pregnancy, labor, delivery, and postpartum education to ensure you are well-prepared and empowered to have an AMAZING birth!

  • Birth Boot Camp workbook and laptop computer online class

    Virtual Online and Hybrid Class Options

    Live outside the Oklahoma City Metro service area?

    Need to take online classes?

    We are also offering virtual hybrid classes where you watch the lessons online then we meetup online so you can ask questions and get additional support, guidance, and instruction from me. See virtual class offerings listed under each class description then contact me to register and schedule.

    Birth Boot Camp also offers full online classes on their website. (HOWEVER, these are without the additional support, guidance, and instruction from me). If you are interested in this option, please use the following affiliate links to learn more. (Disclosure: If you sign up using these affiliate links, I will earn a small percentage from Birth Boot Camp.)

    Comprehensive Birth Class

    Hospital Birth Class

    Home & Birth Center Class

    Breastfeeding Class

    Life With Your New Baby Class

  • couples in Birth Boot Camp class sitting at table, looking at instructor

    Comprehensive Birth Class

    The Comprehensive Class is our most popular and complete childbirth education class! This 10 week course offers 25 hours of instruction for all types of births, including hospital births, birthing center births, home births, VBAC births, medicated births, and non-medicated births. It’s also the BEST deal and value, as it includes ALL the information offered in our other classes!

    This class series runs for 10 weeks for 2.5 hours each week. Topics include: pregnancy nutrition and exercises, choosing a care provider, choosing where to give birth, labor physiology, comfort measures, medication options, non-medication options, relaxation techniques and practice, what to expect in labor, common tests and procedures, creating a birth plan, labor positions and practice, cesarean births, VBACS, what to expect immediately postpartum, breastfeeding, and all the info in our Life With Your New Baby Class to prepare you for caring for your newborn.

    We will meet either in person or online (if choosing hybrid option) each week for a private class for just you and your partner. You will receive a student workbook plus other goodies!

    We have lots of fun while preparing and empowering you and your partner physically, mentally and emotionally so you can experience the birth of your dreams!

    Comprehensive Birth Class 10 Week Series: $650

  • Birth Boot Camp doula offering comfort to woman in hospital bed with fetal monitors on pregnant belly

    Hospital Birth Class

    If you are planning a hospital birth, this class is designed for couples who want more information, more relaxation techniques and comfort measures, and labor practice than their hospital may offer. (And we have a lot more fun!)

    This 15 hours class series runs for 6 weeks for 2.5 hours each week. Topics include: Developing a birth plan, common tests and procedures, labor positions and practice, comfort measures and relaxation techniques, and cesarean births, and much more.

    We will meet either in person or online (if choosing hybrid option) each week for a private class for just you and your partner. You will receive a student workbook plus other goodies!

    Hospital Birth Class 6 Week Series: $400

    NOTE: We highly recommend taking our Life With Your New Baby Class along with this course to prepare you for postpartum and caring for your newborn.

  • pregnant woman laying in tub with eyes closed while man kisses her forehead

    Home and Birth Center Birth Class

    Planning to give birth at home or at a birthing center? This class has the information you need to learn so you’ll be prepared before labor, during labor and birth, and afterwards. You’ll learn variations of labor, comfort measures, relaxation techniques, labor positions and practice, and more!

    This class series is 10 hours total, taught for 2 hours each week for 5 weeks.

    We will meet either in person or online (if choosing hybrid option) each week for a private class for just you and your partner. You will receive a student workbook plus other goodies!

    We have lots of fun while preparing and empowering you and your partner physically, mentally and emotionally so you can experience the birth of your dreams!

    Home and Birth Center Class 5 Week Series: $375

    NOTE: We highly recommend taking our Life With Your New Baby Class along with this course to prepare you for postpartum and caring for your newborn.

  • pregnant woman wearing green dress and holding her pregnant belly

    The Express Birth Class

    Due date coming up soon and no time to take a full class series?

    This Birth Boot Camp Express Class is designed for couples who need a condensed one-day workshop. Topics in this class discuss basic nutrition and exercise; what to expect during labor, epidurals, cesarean section births; coping techniques, comfort measures, and developing your birth plan.

    Class lasts approximately 8 hours. (7 hours of instruction plus a 1 hour lunch break. Lunch is on your own.)

    We will meet in person and you will receive a student workbook and other goodies!

    (Hybrid option is not available for this class.)

    The Express Birth Class: $250

    NOTE: We highly recommend taking our Life With Your New Baby Class along with this course to prepare you for postpartum and caring for your newborn.

  • man and woman sitting on couch holding a newborn baby

    Life With Your New Baby Class

    You’ve prepared for labor and giving birth, but now you have a newborn to care for and there wasn’t a manual attached!

    This 4 hour class is an awesome manual for early parenthood! You’ll learn about newborn procedures immediately after delivery, babywearing, sleep safety, postpartum topics, and baby comfort techniques to help you and your partner get off to the best start with your new baby.

    This class also includes an additional online 3 1/2 hour breastfeeding course taught by an internationally board certified lactation consultant.

    We will meet in person and you will receive a student workbook and other goodies!

    The in-person portion of this class lasts approximately 4 hours. The video course you will be able to watch on your own at your own pace.

    (Hybrid option is not available for this class.)

    Life With Your New Baby Class: $150

    ***Save $50 when bundling this class with another class!***

    NOTE: This class is included in our Comprehensive Class!

  • couple sitting on bed holding toddler boy and smiling

    The Refresher Class

    This workshop is designed for couples who have had childbirth education with a previous pregnancy and need a refresher to update their knowledge and labor coping skills. The best time to take this class is at approximately 34-36 weeks.

    This class is only offered as a private class and last approximately 4 hours. We will address your needs and concerns (and your partner) based on your previous experience(s). Topics include: relaxation techniques, Top 10 Tools for Dads, communication, labor & pushing positions, comfort measures, adding a new baby to your family, plus any additional questions or concerns you or your partner have.

    You will receive a student workbook and other goodies!

    (Hybrid option is not available for this class.)

    The Refresher Class: $150

Ready to create the birth of your dreams?